Sep 19, 2011

Darling Daughter 2nd Birthday Gathering


Seperti yang di war-warkan in earlier post, ini la pics from Eirsa's 2nd Birthday Gathering last Saturday (17th Sept 2011)..kami buat secara kecil2an di rumah je..This time hanya jemput family terdekat je, both Eirsa's atok & wan from Seremban & Dengkil, Mama & Ayah, Paklang, Maksu Eya, Makngah, Maklang Mokcu Eida n Uncle Wan serta Eirsa's best buddies Kak Aisyah n Baby Q..Tak lupa juga our last guests of the day Tokcu & Nekcu with Dina n Rayyan..TQ so much u guys psl sudi datang memeriahkan Eirsa's small birthday party this time..Eirsa seronok sgt2 smp dr pg tak tido lgsg psl sibuk main dengan semua yang datang..Malam tu tgk her face mmg tau dia awallah dia tido..bukan setakat birthday girl je letih, Ibu & Babah birthday Girl lagi lepak mlm tu..mane taknye, kami dari hari jumaat dh bertungkus lumus bagi merealisasikan majlis ni, hehehe..but really, it was tiring..yet we were bkn selalu buat mcmni n she is the only sweetheart we have kan..takpela ibu & babah letih berbaloi utk Icha bucuk, hehehe..

Ni yang nak share all the best moments captured sepanjang dua hari (16 & 17 Sept 2011) tu..eceh..!16 Sept tu was actually the Birth Day but veryone setuju utk celebrate it a day the Birth day became the making day for THE early as 4pm on the 16th dah start senseng lengan baju utk persiapan majlis esknya..walaupun sibuk hari tu, sempat la lagi snap a few pics of birthday girl tu dok main.. 

tgk Eirsa sibuk nak pakai my apron (TQ mokchu for this apron from NZ)nak puaskan hati dia, pakaikanla..bukan main suka lagi dia..

Siap posing lagi..cuma mmg payah nk suh pandg camera..

Main masak2..ibu masak kt dapur, Eirsa masak kt dpn tv..hehe..

"Erm..ibu nak mamam ape?"

"ibu, what is this?"

Muka puas hati dpt pki apron ibu..

Eirsa wat la runaway dia..

Petang nye after balik dari Carrefour..baru bgn tdo ni..tgk tu muka bantal with her out of bed hair..

masih terpisat2 maklumla bru bgn tdo..

Pagi tu kol 7.30 tersentak dari tido bukan sebab ade sape2 kejut or buat bising pun..eirsa n hubby pun still syok diulit mimpi lagi..tersentak psl bgn2 trus ligat dlm pale ni pikir semua benda yang nak kena ready before kol 1, waktu tetamu dijangka tiba. bingkas trus bangun ke dapur n trus kuar periuk belanga sume, mcm org mengigau,hahaha! after few moments, baru terfikir baik mandi ape semua dulu klu x takut nanti lagi sibuk n xsempat nak mandi plak..xpasal2 ibu birthday girl busuk masam xsempat nk mandi, huhuuu!
Pagi tu tugasannya termasuklah merebus spaghetti, goreng nasi, alter balik kuah spaghetti supaya rasanya up to the standard pasal msk tgh mlm td masa dah mamai2..mane taknye org dh tdo kol 2, me n hubby masih lagi kelentung kelentang kat dapur masak n deco rumah utk birthday party hari ni.. n last sekali nnt nak goreng chicken wing n drumet ..yang ni kalau grg awal xsedap nnt dh sejuk nk serve.. and hubby pula bertangggungjawab utk deco n arrangement also the drinks..sgt bersungguh2 hubby tahun ni, TQ syg.. deco tu mmg cun lah! n i love the heart balloons so much! 

So this is the Birthday Girl yang baru lepas mandi.. TQ hubby tlg mandikan anak dara ni..ibu xcukup tgn kt dapur time ni..but the camera is always with me..hehe..Nak jdkan cerita, Eirsa xjd nk pakai her red gown seperti yg dirancang pasal ade sedikit masalah teknikal pada gown tu..salah sape? yes, i am the person who should be blame for this..Sorry syg..but you're still look awesome in the blouse n pants..

Inila decorations oleh Mr. Hubby.. Thumb's up! Well done syg!
Majlis dh bermula..Birthday Girl sibuk kacau atok dengkil makan suh atok bagi chicken..and as usual, atok layan jela cucu kesygannya ni..
Tuan Rumah & Org Kuat majlis, Hubby n Me..
Tu dia, org sibuk nak ambil mkanan, si kecik ni pun sibuk nak Q jgk..mcm smp je nk amik..ish3x..isn't she just so adorable?
Hubby n me sambil layan tetamu, sambil posing..bkn sng nk dpt posing berdua skg ni..kan syg?
Birthday Cupcakes made by me..the HAPPY BIRTHDAY caption done by to hubby tercinta..I love u lah! the Red Velvet cuppies pemberian mokchu Eida..TQ mokchu! Licin Mokche Eya sebat..hehe..
Birthday girl sibuk dgn toy dia tgh2 rumah..
Best pose!! bkn sng nk dpt gmbr cmni..

 Malam nye sementara tunggu Tokcu n Nekcu dtg..sempat pose dengan poster Barney,Eirsa's favorite cartoon character

Sesi tiup lilin!! seperti biasa kak aisyah mmg setia menemani Eirsa..klu nk suh tiup lilin pun anytime..hehehe..she is just so obsessed with eirsa ni plk garang sgt..

Nak kena pegang, pasal eirsa was standing on the chair takut jatuh plak..

Guess what?this year my darling ni dah boleh blow her candle without anyone helping, well done syg!! I'm very proud of you!

Aksi tetamu a.k.a family yg hadir..jemput mkn ye..

I was so impressed by the way u put the balloon atas shelf tu it!

 Night Earlier..

Cuppies ni siap di deco by 3am in the morning..all by myself..xperlu pergi class just tgk youtube n practices..hehe..there's still room for improvement..oklah, first time serve homemade cupcake ni utk majlis mcmni..selalunye mkn ngn hubby je..what do think syg? oklah kan..

The cuppies and deco..

View from the entrance..simple deco for a small tetap meriah..
Cuppies yang dh siap dicucuk caption..haha! dicucuk ke?

Me n hubby tercinta..

Birthday cuppies..

Family Potraits..

When she's around, we will always have 2's fine to us..

Let's play eirsa! said Aisyah..

Present dari kak aisyah dan dibuka oleh kak aisyah juge..kelakar sungguh tgk gelagat dia..biasalah budak2..

With my family..

Me, Hubby n my family..dgn family dengkil xsempat nk amik gambar..

TQ semua sudi dtg celebrate besday Eirsa..

Another sesi buka present..

Upin pemberian Makngah..TQ makngah, Eirsa just love it so much!

Piano from Wan Seremban..Eirsa just can't wait to try it..TQ Wan..

Eirsa with her prezzies..Sharing the joy with her best cousins..

Dah lama x amik gmbr berdua je dgn hubby..everyone dh balik..jom main amik2 gmbrla syg..hehehe..
 Overall, the event was a blast even majlis kecik2 je.. harap everyone yg dtg enjoy..alhamdulillah the food was enough for everyone because it was the main worry for hubby n me masa tu..As for me, puas hati sgt pasal dpt buat semua by preparation semua home made..xde yg cater except some dishes mak dengkil dengan murah hati bwk, TQ mak..i know you will definitely bring some food..Yes lah! the fried me was awesome! my mom kata pedas but was very true, pedas yg sgt delicious ok..  
I just proud with myself pasal hajat nk buat DIY cup cake utk birthday Eirsa yang ke2 ni was quite a success walaupun mungkin x se'yummy' mane tp bolehla diperbaiki lagi.. Credit to darling hubby utk usaha beliau menghias ruang jamuan dengan sentuhan nya sendiri..caption pada cupcake pun done by hubby..TQ so much syg.. Our hand in hand collaboration was a wonderfull moment for us right..? Walaupun kena tdo lewat but we were really satisfied..

Happy Birthday syg..
Ibu doakan anak ibu ni jadi anak yang solehah, berjaya dunia dan akhirat, diberi kesihatan yang baik, dipermudahkan perjalanan hidupnya, dimurahkan rezeki, serta sentiasa disenangi kehadirannya ke mana je anak ibu ni pergi..Amin..

Oops, ibu tak tulis lagi Birthday Book Eirsa.. Promise, malam ni ibu tulis ok.. Rasenya hubby pun blom tulis kan..?